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In retail, products are everything.

In the retail space, products are the hub around which an experience is built. Focusing initially on grocers, we took a deep dive into how users engaged in stores and with products through observational studies and interviews, identifiying the information and actions we could provide to enrich the experience both in store and at home.

Rewarding loyalty.

With data driving personalization, it was essential that we connect in-app user accounts with in-store loyalty programs. A rewarding, multi-step onboarding process was designed to not just connect these two data sources, but to garner new information about consumers.

Unata’s savvy user interface design meant key insights around user behaviour and interests could be provided via the retail marketing dashboard, allowing product marketers to refine recommendations, discounts, and more.

Putting the power of personalization in the hands of marketers.

We were able to take the personalized user experience even further by providing marketers with actionable information about consumer habits, and giving them the ability to serve those users by segment or individually.

The results

  • Leveraging our collaborative pre-launch efforts in product planning, design, and sales support, Unata received funding from Mantella Venture Partners, launched Grocery Gateway’s mobile app, and has gone on to win several awards for their white-label retail products.

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