Lucy is a seasoned entrepreneur with a passion for strategic innovation, high-integrity leadership and purpose-driven technologies. Her focus is on building customer-centric, values-based businesses supported by healthy internal and external relationships. She has her PhD in Organizational Development and Transformational Education, specializing in leadership ethics.
Lucy brings her experience as a business, executive, and personal coach to Say Yeah and its management team to improve decision-making, processes, systems, and strategic thinking. She is a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC) and guides Say Yeah’s leaders to overcome issues, obstacles, and challenges by turning them into executable business opportunities and solutions.
Lucy is an internationally trained Chair and Coach for The Executive Committee (TEC-Canada, known as Vistage, globally). She brings this expertise to Say Yeah, where she works with the CEO to further develop as a leader and grow the company with purpose and direction. Lucy supports her work with Say Yeah with a deep and varied career as a serial entrepreneur, having been a publisher, partner in a media, marketing and public relations firm, and distributor of global SAAS platforms and services in the film, social media, education and green spaces. She has worked with Indigenous peoples in education, housing and economic development.
Lucy is currently a partner in Mussio La Grassa Inc, a training, coaching and consulting firm specializing in leadership and management. She is also the co-founder of Spoonful, a streaming platform for bite-sized learning.
Lucy is global and community-minded. She gives back through her work on the Board for Immigrant Women in Business and as a committee member for the University of the West Indies (UWI) annual Toronto Benefit Awards scholarship program for students in need.
An avid poet, her favourite thing to do is to take long walks and contemplate. Well, that and making wine.