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Market & user research

Learn how research can help your team accelerate decision-making and deliver exceptional products and services.

Research is the key to realizing untapped opportunities

  How do we improve customer experience by better aligning to the needs of our target market?  

  How can customer segmentation and journey mapping improve our products and services?  

  Is there a low cost way we can materially improve our existing products and services?  

  What market opportunities are we missing?  

We’re here to help you answer these and other questions that improve engagement with your market.

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Why research is key to any digital transformation strategy

One constant throughout all of our digital transformation work is the need for effective research, analysis, synthesis, and actionable next steps for the organizations we work with.

Understanding how vital effective research practices are in shaping and meeting organizational outcomes, we have cultivated multi-disciplinary research expertise and built trusted supplier relationships that cover all facets of research.

From internal organizational insights to broad market insights, qualitative to quantitative, in-person to remote, we pull from an extensive research toolkit to ensure exceptional organizational outcomes.

Research is a constant throughout an effective product and service development lifecycle

From identifying market opportunities ahead of making product or service decisions to making user and data-informed decisions based on ongoing engagement with customers as an organization’s offering continues to mature.

Key to our approach is following a “show, learn, and iterate” process, where we conduct just enough research to move forward effectively, using an informative lean research process that enables organizational action.

From research to roadmap

Market and user research considers a variety of factors that impact your organization. Our research, service design, and product strategy expertise, blends research practices, synthesis, analysis, and actionable next steps to define ideal and viable future states for your organization.

The factors that influence product and service opportunities

Market factors
  • Market opportunity
  • Audience
  • Competition and landscape
  • Future tech, research, and processes
  • Regulations
  • Funding
  • Macro-economic changes or shocks
Organizational factors
  • Products and services
  • Resources
  • Investments and required costs
  • Marketing
  • Distribution
  • Operations
Time horizon

Considering current state and paths and lengths of time to reach any number of possible future states.

Find your path to an ideal and actionable future state today.

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Pillars of an effective research practice

Collaboration toward insight

We work closely with the client team throughout the project, collaborating on the planning and research, while targeting ideal insights and outcomes. As part of this process, we take the time to understand how we can work within the client’s strengths and capabilities to ensure actionable results.

Engaging in multiple perspectives

To get the broadest view possible of both current and future state objectives, we encourage all stakeholders to give their input through inclusive surveying, workshopping, interviewing, and other techniques.

Empowering others in the process

Iterative, ongoing research is a hallmark of exceptional organizations. Bringing research practices to an organization is a natural part of our engagements. We coach on human-centred processes, culture building, collaboration, and methodologies that support continuous insights, beyond our engagements.

Focusing on outcomes

Every research project has its constraints and desired outcomes. Different research methodologies are required to suit each goal. This stage is where an expansive research toolkit becomes critical. We define the most effective approach to gain meaninful insights that build toward impactful outcomes.

Are you ready to bring exceptional research practices and outcomes to your organization?

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Related services and resources

User research

We use a variety of methodologies for user research. These methods can range from qualitative interviews and workshops, using quantitative surveying and analytics, observation, and usability testing. All to understand what’s working and where we can improve organizational processes and people, and better serve the market with more aligned products and services.

Learn more about user research

Usability testing

An effective usability testing methodology helps you identify what’s working and what is limiting engagement across your digital ecosystem, ultimately making informed decisions on how to improve your digital ecosystem.

We use a three-step process—Plan, Test, Analyze—to focus your team on the most impactful optimization efforts.

Learn more about usability testing

System strategy

System strategy helps accelerate internal decision-making with an approach that uncovers key opportunities to drive customer engagement and retention while optimizing operations. We achieve this by mapping internal capabilities and consumer objectives in order to define an effective roadmap that meets organizational and market needs.

Learn more about our system strategy process

Our approach to customer journey mapping

The process you need to get to know your customers and discover exactly what they need in order to leverage the customer journey to drive service delivery and digital strategy.

Learn more about journey mapping

Continuous improvement

Across every stage of strategy, design, and development you have the opportunity to increase the value of your efforts. With continuous improvement, you can realize the benefits of better connecting with your consumer, driving them towards organizational goals, and optimizing your team’s efforts on an ongoing basis.

Learn more about continuous improvement

Market definition

Market opportunity analysis focuses your product and service efforts. Define your ideal market and how to capture it with a process that uncovers the best opportunities to expand your organization’s market share.

Learn more about market definition

Select service design clients

  • Toronto Public Library
  • Kanetix
  • Service Ontario
  • Tourism Toronto
  • Virgin Gaming
  • Ontario
  • Nymi
  • Metrolinx

Let’s explore how bringing inclusive research practices to your organization can accellerate decision-making and improve products and services.

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