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Say Yeah, 100% template-free design.

Say Yeah, 100% template-free design. These same-looking websites which take over your scrolling, essentially breaking 15 years of web standards,…

Towards better logins.

We’ve been curating a Pinterest board featuring Login/Signup forms for a few weeks now to track how things are…

The very, very poorly designed iTunes 11

I’ve had a rather torturous affair with iTunes 11 thus far. While there are some general improvements for non-power users…

iPad vs iPhone usage patterns from Khoi Vinh’s perspective with Mixel.

Peter Kafka recently interviewed Khoi Vinh following the relaunch of Mixel as it transitioned from an immersive iPad…

The virtues of simplification

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot…

A little about blog navigation.

Here’s a terrifically confusing navigational element that seems to be the default on many blogging systems. You get to the…

iTunes 10: making browsing as painful as possible.

I’ve just submitted my second report to Apple on the UI issues that have dogged iTunes 10. (The previous report…

What’s the optimal camera location on an iPad?

On an iPhone, it makes perfect sense to put the front-facing camera on the top when the phone is in…
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