This is an archive. The TO Events Calendar is no longer active.


This week sees the autumn event bonanza continue with Jeff Pulver in town, TedXToronto going down, and kicking off October with Nuit Blanche. Here are details on some of these highlights.

Monday, September 27
#140conf Tweetup and Tweetgasm v1.3 at The Gladstone, 7:00p to late.
@JeffPulver from #140conf will be visiting Toronto and is co-hosting a tweetup at the Gladstone Hotel as a part of the Gladstone’s monthly #TweetGasmTO. Jeff is on the road promoting the upcoming #140conf: Detroit and October 19th as a Day of Giving.

Tuesday, September 28
Year One Labs: Office Hours at Jet Cooper, 5:30p to 8:00p
This is going to be an informal event where you’ll be able to talk about your startup ideas and find out how Year One Labs works. There will be beer.

Thursday, September 30
TedXToronto, various Toronto locations, 9:00a to 5:00p
While the TedXToronto invite only event at Glenn Gould Studios is sold out, you can still participate in a satellite event at one of several Toronto locations.

Lots more on the go
Another super busy week, with Third Tuesday, RGD Ontario, DX and Nuit Blanche satellite events. Be sure to check these out on Yeah Social’s TO Events Calendar. And feel free to add your choice events to the TO Events Calendar or reach out to us with some suggestions so we can keep everyone up to date.