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Product strategy

The product strategy, scoping, and implementation expertise necessary to excel in the connected age.

Product strategy accellerate key organizational objectives

  Can we improve product engagement and retention?  

  Does our product’s purpose and roadmap best support our organization’s and our user’s objectives?  

  Can we deliver new products to market faster and more effectively?  

  Can we optimize our decision-making and design processes to de-risk product development?  

We’re here to help you answer these and other questions that will help your organization deliver more effective products.

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Take your digital product further

It’s easy to identify a comprehensive wish list of scope requests and technical requirements that on their own check off a feature list, but these requirements won’t drive users to actions that deliver effective results for your organization.

An effective product strategy hones in on those key user behaviors that lead to positive action, serving both your organization as well as user needs, emotions, and motivations. It’s meeting these criteria that helps you bring an effective digital product to market as quickly as possible, or to shape your existing product in more immediate and effective ways. All with the analytics and behavioral tracking in place to validate, measure, and improve our collective efforts on an ongoing basis.

Getting to market as effectively as possible

Defining experience is a prerequisite to understanding effective product feature requirements. Part of the experience design process is getting aligned on consumer expectations, goals, and your customer’s typical behaviour.

Successful product strategy is driven by keeping a focus on core differentiators that help reduce cost, risk, and time to market.

In order to get to market as effectively as possible, we need to reduce planning and development time without customer feedback, align the product to existing customer behaviour where possible, and keep the interface as focused as possible in order to keep the spotlight on the key benefits of the product.

That’s effective product strategy.

Bring exceptional product strategy insights to your team today.

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Product strategy services and resources

User research

We use a variety of methodologies for user research. These methods can range from qualitative interviews and workshops, using quantitative surveying and analytics, observation, and usability testing. All to understand what’s working and where we can improve organizational processes and people, and better serve the market with more aligned products and services.

Learn more about user research

Market definition

Market opportunity analysis focuses your product and service efforts. Define your ideal market and how to capture it with a process that uncovers the best opportunities to expand your organization’s market share.

Learn more about market definition

Inclusive design

Inclusive design ensures your products and services are embraced by your market by welcoming diverse market segments to engage authentically with your organization. Learn how to design with intersectionality, usability, accessibility, and inclusion at the centre of your work.

Learn more about our inclusive design process

Continuous improvement

Across every stage of strategy, design, and development you have the opportunity to increase the value of your efforts. With continuous improvement, you can realize the benefits of better connecting with your consumer, driving them towards organizational goals, and optimizing your team’s efforts on an ongoing basis.

Learn more about continuous improvement

Select service design clients

  • Service Ontario
  • WSIB Ontario
  • Toronto Public Library
  • Cannect
  • AON
  • Virgin Mobile
  • Tourism Toronto
  • Stage TEN

Discover how assessing and refocusing your organization can lead to improved operations, customer experience, and technology decision-making.

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