Like every year, FITC Toronto is sure to be an amazing chance to connect with the biggest innovators in technology and design. Our team’s especially thrilled as we’re leading an inclusive design roundtable at this year’s conference.

What can you expect from our roundtable?

Our April 20 inclusive design roundtable will have a discussion format, and will encourage participants to focus on the nuances of inclusive design. We’re keen to move concepts of inclusion beyond accessibility and compliance considerations, so we can authentically engage with diverse markets.

Join us for a primer on smart, comprehensive approaches to inclusive design in a casual format that’s well-suited to frank, fun, & lively discussions.

Before FITC Toronto kicks off, connect with Say Yeah CEO, Lee Dale, to chat about inclusive design and digital transformation via Twitter @leedaleyyz or by email at

Inclusive design roundtable takeaways

Our objective with the roundtable is to move from a quick primer to some actionable takeaways. Learn:

  • Differences between key principles of access and inclusion and the language of accessible, inclusive, and universal design
  • How standard methodologies serving “the average customer” limit us all
  • How to clearly articulate the ROI of inclusive design
  • Inspiring examples of inclusive design
  • Understanding where your work lies on the diversity & inclusion (D&I) spectrum and how you can take next steps

We’re committed to establishing an authentic sense of belonging through service design and product strategy by promoting intentionality in how we engage with markets. We’ll achieve this by creating space for the full spectrum of employee & consumer perspectives. Learn how you can take the same approach with your work at the inclusive design roundtable.

Getting started with inclusive design

Learn more about our inclusive design practice and how you can shape product and service with intention by working alongside diverse communities and individuals.

Our approach to inclusive design