I’ve received a lot of great feedback and enjoyed some followup conversations after my latest MVP strategies article, The Experience Makes the Product, Not The Features, which was published in UX Magazine.
Segueing from this article, I’ve got two upcoming talks I’d encouraging you to come out to.
Feb 17—Agile Experience Design Toronto: Why starting with features will kill your MVP.
The first talk is Feb 17 at a local Agile UX meetup. There I’ll be talking about aligning UX with Agile, focusing on some of the difficulties of bringing design into a predominantly engineering focused workplace.
This Tuesday evening event is free to attend.
March 7—FITC’s Spotlight UX/UI: It’s the Experience That Makes the Product, Not the Features
At this talk, I’ll expand on the heart of the article to look at what it means to bring a focused, valuable Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to market. I’ll highlight MVP strategies that can help you learn how to better serve your users, and the business that’s footing the bill.
Early bird pricing for this full day event is available until February 22, with pricing starting at $49 for students, and up to $129.
Hope to see you there!