Terms and conditions


Please be sure you have read through the details of this online service before ordering one of our packages. We will not offer refunds for a package that is ordered once we begin reviewing the website.

This is not a legal compliance or standards conformance test. We cannot and do not guarantee accessibility standards conformance, or legislation compliance. We work to continually understand compliance requirements and recommendations of WCAG AA alongside other requirements of AODA, ADA, and more. However, local compliance factors, ongoing operational factors and website updates, and possible changes to legislation mean that compliance requirements may differ based on where you operate and the client base you serve. You should consult an accessibility compliance lawyer for more detail on your specific compliance requirements. We claim no guarantee or responsibility for your business to meet accessibility compliance legal obligations.

With any order that is placed, we reserve the right to refuse service. We generally would not do this, but if it is an illegal site or if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent us from reviewing a site, we will cancel the order and reverse the transaction at no cost to you and with no further obligation.

All reviews will be completed in English only. If there is another language on your website, we will review only the English-language aspects of the website unless we provide a Custom quote for additional languages.

All reviews are final. By ordering online you agree to compensate us for completing a review. When we confirm completion of the review and provide the findings to you, we are under no obligation to provide continued service, modifications, or recommendations.

If you have any other questions regarding this service, please contact us before you place your order.


Terms and Conditions