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blogTO, winner, best smartphone app.

We’re pleased to share with you news that the blogTO iPhone app we worked on (led by Tim at…

iPad vs iPhone usage patterns from Khoi Vinh’s perspective with Mixel.

Peter Kafka recently interviewed Khoi Vinh following the relaunch of Mixel as it transitioned from an immersive iPad…

Whither Twitter? seeks to provide a social messaging and identity platform for users and developers, not advertisers.

There’s a movement afoot as looks to become a standardized messaging and identity platform for users and developers. It remains to…

App delivers sweet fix for chocolate lovers.

Denise Deveau at the National Post talks chocolate, connecting filmmaking with apps, content planning, and more with Chocolate by Wickerhead…

Semisweet, the doc, premiering this Wednesday at 9:00pm on TVO Semisweet, the doc, premiering this Wednesday at 9:00pm on TVO. In the meantime, download the Choco-Locate app from the…

Seeing disruption through

Apple makes its money over the long term not just by introducing disruption, which would mean flash-in-the-pan products that spark…

Tech industry infighting and the ongoing saga of Instapaper and Readability.

Craig Saila just shared Readability, Instapaper, the Network and the Price we Pay by Anil Dash. In Anil’s words:…

OSX Lion: Form over function highlights.

The two skeuomorphic apps which ship with OSX Lion, iCal and Address Book, offer some frustrating…

Startup apps and competition from heavy hitters.

For a startup the biggest problem is almost never a competitor. The biggest problem is typically non-adoption. Dan Moral rightly…

More innovation from the Windows Phone 7 team.

Microsoft is continuing to innovate with Windows Phone 7. It’s great to see something from Microsoft that carries with it…

Hey there, 2011!

2011 is off to a heckuva start! We’ve got work in the pipeline for Web Foundation, NuLayer, Jet Cooper,…
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